Monday, July 6, 2009

Who we are in Christ

Hi there to you all and welcome to Monday's blog post.

Today's title is about who we are in Christ.

I know that so much has been written and preached over the many years about this subject and so I just want to start off by saying this......

I'm not going to put up a whole long teaching about who we are in Christ, but I just want to share something that happened to me this morning that just amazed me.

To those of you who know me, I like to do an exercise walk in the mornings four times a week. The route takes me quite some distance + - 6.5 km. I really enjoy getting out there on most days to get the needed exercise and I also try to walk as fast as possible. Cath likes to go to the gym to work out and is also doing a personal trainers course at the moment as well and will qualify in February next year.

This morning while on my walk, it was raining intermittently, but this didn't stop me, because I was dressed appropriately. If it was very stormy, I would not have gone, but it was pleasant and the wind was just a breeze.

On my way back, I was passing some sports fields on my right with houses on my left. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw and heard a large boxer dog begin to bark at me while I walked past. I just thought, "I can ignore this one, because he/she is in their own yard, and I am in the street where that dog has no jurisdiction.

As I walked past, the dog continued to bark almost hysterically, but I continued to ignore it. When I was passing the next house, I could still hear the dog barking in the distance. All of a sudden, I heard it's barking grow louder and louder and I then realised that it had jumped over the wall and was running after me to attack me. I felt shivers down my spine as the dog approached me from behind. Immediately, I turned around to see what was happening and it just continue to come towards me. Instinctively, I pointed my finger in it's direction, and I said, "Inside, inside." This was an attempt on my part to act like I had authority over this dog and to sound like it's owner telling it to go back inside it's yard. The dog completely ignored my command to go home and continued to advance towards me with the intent of attacking me. Just then, instinctively again, I continued to point my finger at it and said these words, "In the name of Jesus, Inside !" Immediately and without any hesitation, the dog stopped barking, turned around and fled in the direction of it's house and disappeared in the distance while I turned around to resume my walk for the morning.

Boy oh boy, was I thankful that the command of authority came forth as I used the precious name of Jesus to sort out a rather dangerous situation. I then began to thank the Lord that I knew Him and had the right to use His name in this situation.

We must never take it for granted that we have authority in His name. The bible tells us that the name of Jesus is above every other name that is named and that we can use this name to make certain things happen.

Over the years, I have used the name of Jesus in different circumstances and have seen different results happen after I spoke His name.

Today, as you face the circumstances of life, just think how powerful and wonderful is the name of Jesus in your life and the benefits and privileges we as Christians have in Him.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this blog post today. I hope that you will be encouraged in your walk with the Lord.

I'll be back tomorrow with another free give away so don't forget to come back......

Blessings in abundance and much love,



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Rrrrrr (notice my attempt to emulate the dog sound :)
you said you'll be back tomorrow, man i'm so disappointed.
just kidding. What an amazing story, if i ever sea a shark in the see well that's exactly what i'm gonna tell him. yikes
as a matter of fact i haven't heard much sermons on who we are in Christ i.e. righteousness, this topic is totally underrated.
I went to a cell group for a while and thats all the guy ever talked about
RIGHTEOUSNESS - who we are in Christ
AND I LOVED IT ! i honestly couldn't get enough
it is kinda like those american movies where the coach is giving that final epic speech during half time.... THAT is how we should be reminded by our "spiritual coaches" who we are as born again people. That is such Good News.
phew :)

Rory Mole said...

Hey there Andre,

Thanks for coming back to comment again on my blog and for sharing your thoughts.

So sorry to you for not posting Tuesday's blog up, but I just ran out of time.

Hope to catch up with you some time soon.



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