Thursday, April 7, 2011

Do you know your jurisdiction

Do you know your jurisdiction

Hi there everybody,

While on my last trip to Australia, I shared some insights with the churches there which I thought I should share with you today. This is to do with our jurisdiction and the authority that the Lord has given to us where He has placed us.

The word jurisdiction means :- Power, authority and control. It also means an extent or range of judicial law enforcement. It is also the territory over which authority is exercised.

It is very clear in scripture that Jesus is the Head of the church and we are His body. Also, he has given or delegated authority to those whom He has placed in leadership to exercise His authority there. If there were no authority, then we would be divided and as Jesus said, "A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand". So we can see that it is important for us to understand God's delegated authority through people who He calls.

Also, everyone of us has been given spiritual authority to be exercised as followers of Christ over the forces of darkness. This means that the enemy has no God given authority over us, as long as we stay connected to the Head, Jesus Himself. This connection is vital. Without it, we will easily be defeated. If this connection with Christ is nurtured and developed, then it will not be easy for the enemy to defeat us.

As prophetic people, we are called to hear God's voice and to know the signs of the times. We also have a responsibility to encourage one another with revelation that the Lord gives us. We have also been given giftings and anointings that we are responsible for before the Lord. What I mean is, that the giftings and anointings of God are given so that the Kingdom of God can move forward and the people of God can be mutually edified.

With all of that said, it is important to understand that wherever we are given an opportunity to exercise our gifting, we affect the area where we are. Jurisdiction is an area that God has given to us to operate in His gifting and authority for the furtherance of the Kindom of God. In other words, my home is where I have authority to deal with the onslaughts of the enemy. Where God has placed me in ministry is where He has given me authority to deal with any other onslaughts of the enemy as well. Another example would be that any place the Lord sends me to, would be a place where He would seek to manifest His Kingdom power through me. Any opposition of the enemy in that place would be forced into submission to God's Kingdom, just because He sent me there. The result would be :- people's lives would be changed, the blessing of God released, the sick would be healed, the oppressed would be set free and God's glory will be seen.

The issue is that we need to know where God has placed us and where He has called us and also where He is sending us. I cannot exercise God's authority in a place where He has not sent me to or called me to. It would just be useless effort there and no Kingdom advancement.

I've seen so many well meaning people going all over the place and doing things that God had not called them to do. This is what it means to be outside of one's jurisdiction.

In future, please keep in mind what God has called you to do and where He has placed you. Be a blessing in that place and listen to His leading as you serve Him.